What I’m Writing Today

White Bone (supernatural horror) feature film
Logline: In an isolated town where a terrifying monster targets Black people, one troubled young woman must find a way to stop the creature before it’s too late.
Developed with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

• 2024 Nashville Film Festival Screenwriting Competition – Quarter Finalist ‘White Bone
• 2024 Emerging Screenwriters Suspense Competition – Quarter Finalist ‘White Bone’

• 2024 A Night of Horror International Film Festival – Finalist ‘White Bone’
• 2024 Big Apple Film Festival and Screenplay Competition – Semi Finalist ‘White Bone’

Available Screenplays

The Monstrosity (supernatural/horror) feature film
Logline: When bullying by her peers spirals out of control, a troubled Black teen with supernatural abilities conjures a dangerous entity and must find a way to halt its reign of terror before it destroys the town. 

Blood 4 Blood (thriller) feature film
Logline: When her son becomes the victim of police brutality, a former marine takes justice into her own hands.
Developed with the participation of Telefilm Canada

The Uninvited Guest (thriller) feature film
Logline: Returning to the small town where he grew up as a child, a Black man experiences a growing sense of dread and finds himself trapped in an indifferent world where every road leads to his inescapable death at the hands of police. (Based on my multi-award winning short “An Uninvited Guest.”)

*Crooked (drama) feature film
Logline: A witty ten-year-old gets a summer job at a shady business and struggles between right and wrong.
*Nicholl Fellowship Quarterfinalist

Death Stare (supernatural) feature film
Logline: On her sixteenth birthday, Khadeja Brown learns two things that change her life forever: one, she can inflict death by the power of her malevolent gaze and two, she’s part of an ancient order sworn to battle evil forces or whatever.

Invader (sci-fi) feature film
Logline: An ex-soldier with otherworldly powers must go back in the line of fire to save New York City from alien attack.

Relationship Material (romantic comedy) feature film
Logline: A self-absorbed filmmaker must overcome his fear of commitment or risk losing the love of his life.